Lobby signs may not seem like a vital part of your advertising strategy, but in fact they can be. If you are located in an office building with other companies, then every day dozens, perhaps hundreds of people walk by your front door and look in.
Lobby signs may not seem like a vital part of your advertising strategy, but in fact they can be. If you are located in an office building with other companies, then every day dozens, perhaps hundreds of people walk by your front door and look in. We all do it, if you are walking to your accountant and you pass a door for a lawyer’s office you look in. We look at lobby signs as we walk by, we notice it for a second but if we ever need a lawyer that’s the first person we call. Its strange how that works but it’s true. It’s even like those annoying television commercials we see. Because they are annoying and we notice it, we remember the company. In fact, statistics show that people remember the name of a company from a commercial that they find annoying better than the company name from a commercial that they find funny or amusing. That’s shocking, but it is very true, and that is why we advertise. Well if advertising on television, internet, radio, and other places are so important, and it is, then why would we not advertise in our own offices? It does not make sense to not advertise in your own place, especially if you are spending money advertising else where.
Lobby signs and custom plaques are not only a great way to advertise, they are also a great way to give potential and current clients or customers a chance to get information about you, even if it is just a website address or phone number. The more information people can get from a single advertisement or sign, the more inclined they seem to actually look up your company and find out more. Not to mention the fact that signs and plaques in your lobby also make your company look more professional. Think about it, if you walk into an accountants office lobby and there are no signs, no information about where you are except for a cluttered desk and a tray of business cards, would you really be impressed? It is true that you shouldn’t judge a book by its cover or in this case a company by its lobby, but the fact is we all do it and if you want to impress potential or current customers then you need to look professional. Leaving a good impression is vital for any business and before you try to impress people with catchy advertisements, you may want to impress them when they walk in the front door.